here's what I'm up to with the app in the forseeable future. for the time being, I'm working on this in my free time. so be patient.
planned features
- accessiblity improvements!! this is a big one. I'm not a pro at this, so I'm
learning as I go. if you have any suggestions, please let me know!
- filter groups by geographical distance
- add address to groups (with lat/long)
- private groups (where membership is also private)
- "full" status for meetups
- max capacity for meetups
- waitlist for meetups
- reaction to posts
- notifications
in progress
- profile pages
- pledge boards for meetups (who brings what? who can help with what?)
ideas for the future
I haven't fully thought these through yet, but here are some ideas I definitely want to explore:
- a mobile app
- a chat feature
- activity feed
- follow / befriend people and see their groups / meetups
- discussions in meetups
- uploading images / image gallery
- monetization for the platform. the features as they are now will always remain
free! it might be either a really cheap one-time fee (maybe 50$?) or a really cheap, optional
subscription model (like 10$/yr) to support the development and pay for hosting.
no ads, no selling of data, ever. open for suggestions!
- a way to find people with similar interests
- polls in meetups
- calendar view for meetups
- time slot finding for meetups, like doodle or noodle
- print view for groups, with qr code for easy sharing
- charging fees for meetups. you can use for that which is really great btw, cheap and pretty.